Tuesday, 11 March 2008

A Movement?

When will the institutional church wake up and smell the coffee? If it doesn't happen soon it will be too late. The benefits of being part of a major denomination should be great and being part of a denomination which has accountability built into its structures should be, not only good, but completely Biblical. The reality in those denominations which have become institutionalised is that they are so concerned with the welfare of their existence that those outside the gates have been forgotten. The problem with that is that those outside the gate will not come inside unless we reach them with the truth, with sincerity and with integrity.

When will the institutional denominations give considered attention to Urban Mission in this country? How can a congregation in a financially deprived community reach ouyt to its community without the resources to do so? While the richer congregations get richer the poorer get poorer. Why, in a denomination built upon the principal of the richer helper the poorer, do the richer stand by and watch the end of urban congregations because of a lack of resources? When I say resources I mean money and people. When the harvest is plentiful and the urban church is surrounded by people does the church refuse to be mission-minded?