Wednesday, 26 July 2017

It seemed like a good idea at the time. The plan was to avail of one of the really good hotel deals at this time of the  year- they want to make use of their rooms at  a slack period so they make an offer you can't refuse. A weekend in romantic Donegal to help in my rehabilitation and give Gillian a break what could be better?
It all started well and we enjoyed a nice dinner by the Foyle estuary and Gillian's favourite wine. Some time during the night it all wdnt wrong. She became violently sick and I was fast asleep. Normally speaking I am the one who struggles to get asleep and am very easily roused but not this time. The lights went in and the sickness was vicious and projectile bzt I was oblivious to it all.

Obviously the best laid plans of men do not always come to fruition. Sonetines we like to think  we are masters if our own lives and we can control things but it is all a myth.