Saturday, 29 May 2010

Everybody is an Expert

Everybody is an expert today. We are the only region of the United Kingdom where there are three hours set aside every day for the public to air their opinions: what we call “gernin”.

Every day people phone into the BBC to complain about this and that. and some of the presenters wind them up, showing little or no respect for politicians, police or civic leaders. The problem is not in the expression of opinion but in the fact that they all really believe that they know best without taking up the responsibility to do something themselves. Take a walk in the park or on the street and pretty soon you will see the litter lying around and everyone leaves the picking of it up to someone else, paid or unpaid.

Fortunately, for us all, God took responsibility and sent his son into the world so that we could receive forgiveness, and live for ever.

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