Friday, 5 April 2013

Weak or Deep?

I don't know about you but I get confused and a little irritated by the deep desire so many church experts have to pigeon hole people. They used to talk of,  protestant and Catholic and then it was Charismatic but that was not enough as there always were liberal and conservative churches and some who were millennial and pre-millennial or even post millennial.

Today we could add missional, gospel-centred, seeker friendly, emergent and emerging and now we have Deeper Churches. When will it all stop?  I want to make a plea that we stop putting people into boxes and let them develop their relationship with God.  Don't let yourself get side tracked by trying to be like some other church even if it has been successful.  Just be true to yourself. The truly authentic church will not copy others but will carve out an identity and ministry like no other. The truly real church will be Christ-centred and people - orientated. Every Christian is called to be a witnesswhere God has placed them. It frustrates me no end when every church in a community, even when there are many churches in that comity feels the irresistible pressure to compete with each other. If one church has a youth club, senior citizens club, Sunday School and day care then my church has too also. It seems very sensible to me to say that the principle is that we should not have a program unless we can do it better than everyone else or if no one else is doing it. It seems clear to me that 

Christians and the churches they belong to should be community involved and should be without walls. 

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